
想知道你的生意值多少钱? 即使你不想很快卖掉它, it’s important to know the value so you can develop strategic plans for the future.

In a perfect scenario, you’ll be able to sell your business at a time when:

  1. 你个人已经准备好出售了
  2. The recent historical performance of the business has been strong, and
  3. The economy is doing well so you get the best possible sale price.

If you have time and plan accordingly, there are things you can do to 增加你公司的价值 并得到一个更好的价格. 当然, it’s best to 工作 with a professional financial or business advisor to get a realistic value estimate for your business and to help a sale go as smoothly as possible. 但首先,以下步骤将有所帮助.



  • 任何设备的估计市场价值, 库存, and/or other 资产 that would be included as part of the sale
  • 贵公司的财务数据, 包括盈亏资料, 澳门官方赌场, 资产, 工资, 现金流, 等.
  • Any non-arm’s length transactions which may or may or not be incurred by a purchaser (e.g.(业主工资或关联方租金)
  • 当前市场和未来可能的财务表现.

If you don’t have clear and accurate financial statements that include a breakdown of all 资产 and debts, 现在是把一切都整理好的时候了, even if you aren’t looking to sell your business in the near future.


A vital component of any business valuation is that of ‘goodwill’. 业务 goodwill is an intangible asset and represents the portion of the calculated business value that cannot be attributed to the current market value of net business 资产. 或者简单地, goodwill exists in a business when the valuation is higher than the business 资产 minus liabilities.

一个经营良好的企业的价值大于其各部分的总和. This value – over and above the net asset value – can be created from a number of factors, 但最常见的原因是品牌认知度, 客户忠诚度, 有利的位置, 优秀的管理乃至员工的素质.


一旦你考虑了以上所有要点, you can start to get a better idea of potential value (or selling price). 评估企业价值的方法有很多种. Some industries have specific, accepted approaches however the most common methods are based on:

  1. 贴现现金流量
  2. 可维持收益的资本化
  3. 资产净值


The Discounted Cash Flow Method is generally most appropriate when future growth rates or margins are expected to vary significantly. This method is based on the theory that the value of a business is equal to the present value of its projected future benefits. 贴现现金流量的计算是复杂的, 所以这是至关重要的, accurate information as small changes to inputs can result in large changes to calculated valuations. Because of this, these valuations are subject to significant scrutiny.


Partly due to the complexity associated with the discounted 现金流 method, the favoured valuation methodology of small to medium-sized business is often determined based on the capitalisation of maintainable earnings. 可维持收益的资本化 is especially appropriate for 业务成熟,利润相对稳定 as the valuation methodology is centred around the notion of maintainable earnings.

计算可维持收益 以历史利润为基础 of the business over a period of time (commonly three years) but exclude non-business and extraordinary items. The business value is derived by capitalising the maintainable earnings by an appropriate multiple, which is reflective of the inherent risk the business may have. 例如, a high-risk business may attract a capitalisation rate of 50% (or a multiple to a maintainable profit of 2), whereas a low-risk business may attract a 20% capitalisation rate (or a multiple to a maintainable profit of 5).


An asset-based approach may be appropriate when valuing a capital-intensive company, 或者是产生损失的地方, causing the discounted 现金流s and capitalisation of maintainable earnings methodologies to indicate a value lower than the adjusted net asset value.

在资产净值法下 资产负债调整 从帐面价值(通常是成本)到公平市场价值. Adjustments will also need to be made for any internally-developed 资产 that are subsequently not recorded on the balance sheet of the entity.

An experienced business advisor can assist you in assessing your business value accurately so that you don’t sell your company for less than what it’s really worth. If you’re looking for help from an experienced adviser in selling your business, 今天就澳门赌场官网acru的专家.

拥有企业财务和澳门赌场官网双学位, 里斯对数字的热爱显而易见已经有很长一段时间了. He understands the importance clients place on their money and helps them make the most of what they have.
建立一个成功的公司? 想把你的业务国际化? 更好地管理你的现金流? 买房? 还是需要审计?
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