日益增长的? 商业智能能为您做什么

You’ve proved that your business is viable, even profitable. New customers are bringing additional income but also more complexity to your business. You’re delegating duties too numerous for your original troupe to an expanded 工作force. How can ‘business intelligence’ help you be the ringmaster of this big-top of yours?

‘业务 Intelligence’ is the process of analysing data and reporting it in a way that can help a business make informed decisions. 从Excel到Xero再到Power BI, there are many solutions that offer benefits at every stage of the business life cycle.

商业智能的增长 & 建立阶段

It’s time to say goodbye to your reliable but cumbersome financial management system and find the right tools to give you the information you need to make intelligent business decisions. However, it’s always the great balancing act of cost versus efficiency…. 这里有一些可以考虑的策略.


  • Set up profitability reporting by product, service & 部门 You probably set up your chart of accounts years ago when your business first started. By all likelihood, it’s now a burlesque patch工作 of accounts without much order. Spend the time to determine the categories of income and expenses that define your business. Then set up your accounts to report on the profitability of each of your products, 你提供的每一项服务, 以及你的每一个部门. This will allow you to extract more meaningful reports and help you give direction to your business.
  • 自动化事务和对账流程 With increasing volumes of transactions, you need automation. A lot of contemporary 澳门赌场官网 solutions and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) apps offer it – for example, the ability to automatically scan invoices and process them to your 澳门赌场官网 system – but you need to make sure they are properly set up so you make the best use of these.
  • 充分利用软件附加组件 If your 澳门赌场官网 solution is not delivering what you need, 这并不一定意味着你应该换工作. You can build on most cloud solutions with add-on products that integrate to various levels.


  • 整合客户、市场和财务数据 Forward planning for growth has a lot to do with building from the past (eg sales and financial performance) to set up budgets and forecasts. Is your customer and industry data integrated with data on your communications, 网站和社交媒体互动? If not, it may be time to invest money for better visibility of the way ahead. There’s now a range of affordable small business CRM and marketing automation solutions that offer full integration with 澳门赌场官网 data – even Xero itself has a CRM addon.

业务 processes – ensure the show can go on without you!

  • 建立流程以启用委托 你能有效地分配任务吗, 让你的员工遵循既定的流程, or do you struggle to pull all puppet strings at once? An established business is only as good as its established processes. If you ever want to take a holiday, make sure you start documenting your procedures. Setting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs ) for your staff that are relevant, 现实的, 具体的, 可以实现的, measurable and timely will also help provide them with direction.
  • 程序文件中 Investors who acquire businesses will tell you that a business has no value without a strong procedural documentation. Ask yourself this: if you go, how can the business survive? You want your personal value in the business to be in rallying up the crowd, not in running the whole show – if your business can sell itself, 你真的成功了!


Accru has helped many businesses – from startups to multinationals – grow to the next stage of their development and onwards to great success. Contact Will Merdy if you’d like to discuss how we can help you implement ‘intelligent financials’ to take you forward.

商业智能是澳门赌场官网收集的, 集成, analysing and reporting on a business’s information. 请参阅我们之前的文章 帮助创业公司发展业务 或阅读更多澳门官方赌场的 商业智能服务 这 商业智能案例研究.

Will sees himself as a driver of innovation and progress. He challenges the status-quo and helps his clients in planning for the best business solutions and taxation strategies.
建立一个成功的公司? 想把你的业务国际化? 更好地管理你的现金流? 买房? 还是需要审计?
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