
年轻的霍巴特澳门赌场官网师, 伊娃的母羊, started a small side business selling fried chicken to university students at festivals. 在这个过程中,她学到了很多. Here she shares some great tips for anyone considering starting a business for the first time.

So you’ve got an idea and you’re convinced it’s a money maker. 这就是我对我最近一次冒险的看法. 韩式炸鸡正在流行, there aren’t any Korean fried chicken restaurants in 霍巴特 and I’m an accountant. 会出什么问题??

我的创业规模很小,绝对是微乎其微. 但它令人兴奋,给我提供了一个有趣的挑战, 与我日常的澳门赌场官网和审计工作大不相同. It was also an opportunity to put what I preached into practice. I could finally put those management 澳门赌场官网 skills into good use. 那么,我学到了什么?

1. 了解你的市场

了解你的客户是谁是至关重要的. My stall would be set up at festivals organised by university student societies, hence uni students would be the main demographic of my customer base. Uni students are price sensitive and would want the best bang for their buck. I wasn’t going to be able to promote my product with the words “gourmet”, “有机”或“从围场到盘子”.

2. 有一个目标

How much money do you aim to make and how much do you need to sell? Knowing the number of people in your potential target market enables you to plan how much stock you need to cater for the demand. It enables you to visualise the revenue you could potentially make. 梦想就是由这种潜力构成的.

3. 成本,成本,成本

我第一次尝试, 我从最近的商店买了食材, 用过的鸡腿, and treated it as an extended dinner party for friends and family. Needless to say I didn’t make any money from that first attempt. All the chicken sold out and there was joy from the positive reviews but the numbers just didn’t add up. 必须进行改造.

下次我找了最优惠的价格, 大腿变成了翅膀, 并进一步推动以更优惠的价格购买原料. The effort paid off and the result was more money in my pocket. Total sales revenue isn’t the best way to measure how well you did – it should be the profit made (ie actual money in your pocket after paying out the expenses) at the end of the day.

4. 为你的产品感到骄傲

只卖你相信并能引以为傲的产品. 我不是韩国人,但我喜欢炸鸡和韩国食物. 我也很会做饭. 当你知道你有一个好产品,坚持下去. 事实就是这样. Customers will vote with their money and more invaluably spread the word by mouth. There were Koreans who came up to the stall asking if I’m a Korean, 甚至怀疑炸鸡是不是正宗的. But ultimately, the product won them over and they returned for seconds.

5. 永远不要低估你的团队

你的团队成员可以成就你的事业,也可以毁掉你的事业. 他们是你的大使,是你的延伸. If they love your business as their own, you’ve got a winning team right there. 我和喜欢这个产品的人一起工作, solved the problems that came along and went out of their way to convince customers how great our fried chicken tasted. 对你的合作伙伴要有选择性. I can’t think of anything worse than being stuck with people who do not share your passion and belief in the vision you have for the business.

6. 永远不要在你的交易工具上妥协

Fried chicken needs deep fryers, pizzas need ovens, cakes need mixers. 每个企业都需要一套独特的工具. The most obvious tools are those you need to produce the end product. It is often tools for 工作 done behind the scenes that are neglected. Too often business owners are driven by their passion and ideas, 忽略了真正赚钱的机制.

为了我小小的冒险, my Excel spreadsheet was sufficient to sort out my income and expenditure records. However for businesses looking to grow and succeed, quality and timeliness of data is essential. 这就是今天的技术发挥作用的地方. 云澳门赌场官网 options like Xero provide real time information that allows business owners to make important decisions in a timely manner. It affords agility and allows businesses to adapt accordingly. 拥有良好澳门赌场官网数据的企业主, paired with guidance from their accountants become an unstoppable force.

三个节日之后, selling hundreds of portions of chicken and having had the stress of dealing with leftover chicken, I’m still nowhere close in owning a multi-million dollar business. I have however gained some useful insight into the concerns and decision-making process business owners have to make on a daily basis.

There will be business owners that find themselves at cross roads – persisting with their great idea but struggling to covert that idea into a money generating business. Taking that step to find the right help and getting the right advice will steer you on the right path. Accru specialises in business start-ups and our team are always here to help.

我很好奇从伊娃的冒险中学到了什么? 给她打个电话到阿克拉霍巴特,电话是03 6244 5044.

文/伊娃·伊薇 & Accru霍巴特

Accru is an award-winning net工作 of independently owned 澳门赌场官网 firms. 我们帮助企业成长, thrive and generate wealth for their owners while managing financial risk and compliance.
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