Using Your Taxes To Plan For The Future

If you’re at the beginning or in the middle of your career, 在规划未来的同时,平衡家庭和家庭的财务需求可能很困难,尤其是在2020年的COVID危机之后, which threw the economy into a tailspin. 我们不可能知道2021年的市场会发生什么, 更不用说当你准备退休时的成本了.

If you’re young or middle-aged, there are things you can and should consider now to minimise your taxes andmeet your investment goals for the long term, 确保当你准备退休时,你有足够的钱存起来.

Saving early pays off

由于复利的力量,你可以存下的钱 and then immediately invest 当你年轻的时候,你成长的潜力远远大于你以后投资的钱. If your income decreased in 2020 due to the COVID crisis, it may be difficult to save right now, 但从长远来看,即使在你的超级基金账户里存一小笔钱,也比以后投资一大笔钱产生更大的影响.  2020年,近300万澳门赌场官网人从他们的养老金账户中提取了总计360亿美元的资金, 重建需要一段时间,但我们越早开始, the better.

Here are three initiatives 考虑到这一点可以帮助你省钱,同时也可以为未来做计划,实现你的投资目标:

1) Make the most of your earnings

当你刚刚开始你的职业生涯时,很难找到额外的钱来投资, building a business or starting a family. 但找到额外资金的一种方法是改变从你的澳门官方赌场中预扣的税额,并确保在澳门官方赌场年度预扣的税额最好地满足你的年终纳税义务. If you usually get a large tax refund, consider reducing your withholdings 把这些“额外”的钱直接存入投资账户.

你也可以考虑将部分或全部加薪或奖金用于退休投资. 这是一种相当轻松的储蓄和投资方式,因为它不会改变你的实得工资.

2) Make voluntary superfund contributions

When you retire, your superfund will likely be your primary source of income, 所以你现在尽可能多地为它做贡献是很重要的. If you’re employed, your employer puts an amount equal to 9.5% of your salary into your super at least once a quarter, 但这可能不足以维持你希望在退休后的生活方式.

However, you can make additional voluntary superannuation contributions这样做,你可以利用一些很好的税收优惠.

你可以用现金(税后)向你的养老金缴款,但也有 also before-tax contributions that can be made through an agreement with your employer. This type of contribution is called salary sacrificing 如果你的年澳门官方赌场超过4.5万美元,这将是非常有利的.

While you do pay taxes on these contributions, 养老金的税率通常远低于对澳门官方赌场和正常投资收益征收的常规税.

3) Explore additional deduction possibilities

你通过减税节省的成本既可以降低你的应税澳门官方赌场水平,同时也可以为投资提供更多的钱. There are many tax minimisation strategies available for Australian citizens.


  • Car and business-related travel expenses
  • Home computer or phone costs
  • Membership or union fees
  • Tools or equipment
  • Clothing expenses
  • Tax preparation expenses with your accountant

If you work from home or own a business, 你通常可以扣除许多商业运作所需的费用,比如电话费, insurance, utilities, capital equipment and rent. It’s important to keep a written record of all expenses 您希望索赔并与您的财务顾问讨论所有可能性. 由于新冠肺炎疫情,您还应该了解ATO允许在家工作的“每小时几美分”费率, available to 30 June 2021.

Additional options for saving

Finally, keep in mind that for the 2020-21 year, both the individual income tax rates 低澳门官方赌场税收抵扣(LITO)和中低澳门官方赌场税收抵扣(LMITO)水平发生了变化, 这意味着你可以省下你的税,并用这些“剩余”的钱来投资.

如果你正在寻找更多的方法来最大化你的超级基金贡献,并探索可能的扣除,同时达到你未来的投资目标, 与值得信赖的财务顾问团队的成员交谈 Accru today.

Disclaimer: 本文中包含的信息是基于在发布时被认为是准确可靠的信息. To the extent permissible by law, neither we nor any of our related entities, employees, 或董事对可靠性作出任何陈述或保证, accuracy or completeness of the information; or accepts any responsibility for any person acting, or refraining from acting, on the basis of information contained in this blog. This information is of a general nature only. 本报告不作为个人建议,亦不考虑个别投资目标, financial situation and needs of a particular investor. 在作出投资决定之前,你应该与你的财务规划师谈谈,以评估这些建议是否适合你的特定投资目标, financial situation and needs.

About the Author
Sam Facy
萨姆对数字总是很在行,他甚至在学校里获得了首届澳门赌场官网奖. Adelaide being Adelaide, his father knew someone, which meant a part-time accounting job at an early age.
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